Friday, January 7, 2011

We have arrived (feel free to hold your applause).

With the exception of a couple of minor outbursts (which I have to admit were fairly hysterical), Wyatt was exceptional throughout the 78 hour + plane ride. Yes, yes, I am aware it was not 78 hours, but sweet mother, it sure felt like it. Freezing planes, decent in-flight food, good movies, WAY to much carry-on luggage (note to self), sore shoulders...ehhh, all in all not too bad. Ok, but back to my proud social work mom-moment.- Having had "the talk" with Wyatt on previous occasions of differing ways to express himself when frustrated, he exercised appropriate coping skills throughout the flight by screaming loudly approximately 2-3 times for 10-20 second intervals at the top of his lungs. Being the proud mother that I am, I made no effort to stop him, as I felt that he was just expressing himself, and doing what everyone else  wanted to do but could not, due to the the fear of being socially inappropriate. Ahhh the perils of being an adult and the beauty of being a child. Anyway, once he got all of the pent up frustration out of his system, he felt at ease to carry on with the remainder of the flight without incident. I LOVE this kid-AND....he rolls his own bag; could a mother ask for more?
So, here we are in Taiwan where Will is the equivalent of Norm from CHEERS. The man walks down the street and has doormen from other apartment complexes greeting him and asking if I'm his husband.(Apparently this one particular doorman practices his English during his brief encounters with, he learned the word wife today.....) In addition to going to Starbucks, going to the park, getting through grocery shopping and locating plates and glasses at the local Holu (the Taiwan equivalent of a Bed Bath & Beyond) we headed to Chiles for Will's Birthday dinner. I know this may come as a shock to some, but apparently Will also frequents this establishment with startling regularity.Enough so, that he calls the waitresses "his girls" (not to them of course) and enough that when he went last night they gave him a free meal for when his family arrived.  He's so funny. Anyways, they adored The Wyatt and treated him with all the perks of a celebrity; literally picking him up, fawning all over him and administering a Chile Pepper tattoo on his hand, (which he refused to wash off in the tub tonight). I ask you, does it get better then this? I think not. But I'll slow down. It is, after all, only day 1.