Friday, January 28, 2011

Does not play well with others..........

No, I'm not talking about Wyatt. Shockingly, I'm talking about myself. Our assimilation/make sure we're adjusting ok guy came on Monday......all day. Prior to his arrival we had to take a quiz of sorts rating ourselves in an honest manner as to how we handle particular situations (in our new environment), which was a segway into our personalities...blah bah.  It was helpful  aaaannnndddd insightful....I s'pose. Apparently I'm individualistic, have low patience and do not open myself up to other people very easily. WHAT?! That's outrageous! Just because I am internally screaming MOVE OUT OF MY WAY each and EVERY time I am out on the sidewalk or the crosswalk because people are moving at a pace just slightly faster than one who is dead does not necessarily indicate impatience. In the same vein when I answered assimilation guy's questions about my hobbies/interests by stating I like to read, write, maybe take up art again or karate classes.....does that imply that I am individualistic? Uh yeah. yeah it does. I'll be honest. I had never thought about that one a whole lot. Fantastic. Everyone wave at the hypocrite. HI!!!! Hey! How are you!!! So right after I tell my son each and every day that he needs to play nice with the other kids, show positive body language, to make an effort, I go right back to reading my kindle. Sweet. So, now what? I basically asked this to my guy. He said that I am going to have to initiate- that while friendly, the culture here is not to come over to new neighbors, say hello and bring freshly baked muffins. Great. So this now goes beyond following through with responses in a conversation- this involves me initiating one. Hmmmm.
Adjustment/Assimilation guy spoke a lot about the culture and talked about how there's more of a group mentality here as opposed to individualistic views; there is the fear of "losing face", looking bad in front of others that forces people to maintain traditional social norms. Interesting stuff. I'm going to have to research a bit more so I can be better versed in all things Taiwanese.
On a positive note, Wyatt and I did make cookies to bring to neighbors, in an effort to expand my isolating ways. The woman and her family weren't home, and in an effort to be friendly, we attempted to give the cookies to the doorman, who is usually quite a lovely person. He refused them.- 0h well. Better luck next time.
P.S. For those of you wondering, though the results didn't come in, I do believe that My husband  "the golden child" scored ideally on the little personality test. I mean what's not to love. The man is perfect in every way.


  1. Sounds like it's going to be a 2 year learning experience for all. Did you give the "thumbs up" to Adjustment/Assimilation Guy?

  2. Aly I'm laughing, because I hear you loud and clear!

  3. I'm glad they have a guy like that to help you out with the assimilation thing-what a great idea! It sounds like a tough cultural change-wow!! Hang in there-love you lots. xoxo

  4. This post is my absolute favorite so far. Anyone who reads it and doesn't know you will find it entertaining. Anyone who reads it and knows you will exclaim, that is so Aly! This is serious publish-worthy stuff here. It's Eat. Pray. Love. meets Janet Evanovich. I am about to know a famous author personally. Yeah! I am officially addicted to your writing. Try to find some medicine for that.
