Friday, January 28, 2011

The Power of Gravity

Arrow showing me I was headed the right way...without taking the bus.
Adventure Fridays? That's giving me far to much credit. How about,  Migraine Madness or Freakin out Fridays? Nah. It wasn't that bad, but seriously these buses suck. I know my sense of direction sucks, but that's beside the point. Let's back up. Going to The National Taiwan Science Education Center seemed to be the best option, considering *gasp* that the weather outside looked like it was about to pour any second. I also have to admit that in my web review of this place and the fact that it stated there was a Starbucks housed inside had me a huge fan from go. So go we did.  **As a side note I have to tell you, my calves are going to look smokin'.- I mean let's give it a couple more months, and not to put a lot of pressure on myself, since now everyone will be looking at my legs when I come home; but I have never walked so much in my life.** Back to go-We took the MRT one stop which was no biggie (you hear that? NO BIGGIE)- and upon stepping out of the train studied the map. Yeah, that's right- I studied the map- like I knew what I was doing. I then proceeded to go to the information desk (cue laugh track). The information desk attendant handed me a slip of paper that read Bus R3, R12 or R30. OOOOOHHHHHHH OK. Now I knew exactly which direction we were heading in.- Again, using my women's intuition and my heady sense of direction, we headed towards the bus stop- There was a bus there (which let's be honest, that's the only way I knew it was the bus stop) so Wyatt and I got on. Learning my lesson, I showed the driver the piece of paper I had gotten from the attendant, and apparently he knew what it meant. I was on the wrong bus. Awesome. I gestured questioningly, as if to say, dude, where do I go???? (* I did in fact  just write the word dude, but if this is a factual account of what occurred- I have to tell you what I was thinking). He pointed across the street. ughh. fine. So I'm struggling to get back off the bus, as I've got Wyatt's stroller, Wyatt, my purse....then Wyatt dropped his chocolate cracker bag all over the front of the bus. This is why people aren't allowed to eat or drink on public transportation here. So I'm apologizing on my hands and knees cleaning up this mess and trying to get off a bus that I'm not supposed to be on. Gosh, this scenario sounds frighteningly familiar. (NOW cue Migraine).- I have no patience for this kind of stuff. -This is the part where Wyatt's future wife can thank me (I write sarcastically) because this is when my not-so-classy moments arise. Think child's hissy fit, but more internal and implosive, with just a tad oozing out in passive aggressiveness as I become annoyed and frustrated with Wyatt. I'm not quite sure why I get so upset.- Self awareness is the first step right....or admitting I have a problem?! Again, I digress. But no doubt these are the moments that will lead Wyatt into therapy I'm sure. So we cross the street and I take out these precious Chinese directions showing them to a random lady as she eagerly begins talking in Chinese and pointing straight ahead. I make out her pointing or stating the word right and the name of a street I remember seeing on that map I had been studying. (I know right!!- I'll never put myself down for that again. I read that map like it was my job...which technically it is, since I don't have a job and getting us where we need to go kinda is....) I decided to hoof it (for those who may be younger who are reading this, that means walk) and we found it!!! SUPER. So we went in, ate and much to my dismay did NOT see a Starbucks anywhere in view. What a bummer. Trying to get over this- we headed to the kids level where they had a ton of games n' stuff. There was this simulation of an earthquake which completely freaked Wyatt, and of course he refused to go....which was then followed by Wyatt's refusal to do a number of other cool things due to him being scared. Seriously Wyatt? I refrained from telling him to suck it up and we went in the child's play area where we built an amazing house of Lego's and Wyatt put together some other stuff in an engineer-like manner.
"The Picture"
On our way out, I thought a picture of the Science museum would be cool, you know for posterity and stuff. Wyatt was in his umbrella stroller and we stopped for a second so I could get a picture, since the first one didn't come out. OK. This is where I win the mother of the year award. After I took this SO VERY important picture I turned to grab the stroller and continue walking....and it wasn't there. To my complete horror the stroller was gone. Apparently Wyatt, having temporarily lost the ability to use his feet or his vocal chords, ROLLED AWAY seeing as I forgot to put the brakes on...... and was 1/4 of an inch over the curb and just about in the street. After promptly throwing up in my mouth, I did as any other respectable mother would do and calmly walked over to the stroller, put my hands on the handles with a extra firm grip, looked around and acted as if I had planned it to happen that way. That I WANTED my child to roll in the middle of rush hour traffic while I got the perfect shot. Thankfully, the rest of the evening and the journey home were uneventful and drama free. How awesome is that.


  1. Ditto on the Big Dog's comment above. I'm laughing outloud :)

  2. I don't think you need to plan adventure Friday's - the adventure part comes quite naturally! Keep up the good work - well maybe you should dial it back a little. And don't you just hate it when Starbucks isn't where it is suppose to be!

  3. I'm still laughing--with you(I hope)

  4. You just keep on figuring it out, Aly! I'm so proud of you. I honestly think I would be curled up in the fetal position rather than planning eventful Fridays! Love you-give Wyatt a hug for me! xoxo
