Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Demise of Pumpkin Patch

For those of you familiar with Wyatt; you know that he has a small blue/green sidekick by the name of Pumpkin Patch. We're uncertain if he came up with this unique name on his own, and if we're completely honest , should really give credit to his friend Hunter, as I believe he has a twin dog by the same name. Anyways, for point of reference, Wyatt has never really been a stuffed animal kid. Despite this, something in him snapped over the summer and he became obsessed with this stuffed puppy that Will won him at our local carnival. Pumpkin Patch has been everywhere.....and I do mean everywhere. Even more unfortunate is that a good washing would tear this poor puppy to shreds. Even so, Pumpkin Patch made it to Taiwan without a hitch and has been a bit of a security blanket for Wyatt.
Over the weekend we were in the Taiwanese pseudo-Walmart ( I will not even try to spell its actual name) and Wyatt was clutching both his puppy and socks (his sock monkey). Somewhere between the first and second floor, a trip to the bathroom, a small meltdown (Wyatt's, not mine) Pumpkin Patch vanished.  Will stayed in the car with Wyatt while an astounding game of charades was played in this pseudo- Walmart as a valiant attempt was made to communicate to the sales people at customer service  that there was a missing stuffed puppy. After a thorough search was made, we came up empty handed.
Let me stop here. Are people really honest in blogs? I mean really honest? Let me share with you at this point- I was very unstable. This isn't about a missing stuffed animal. Since I've gotten here, the loss of Pumpkin Patch represents my (our?) current circumstance. As I relayed to my four year old son that Pumpkin Patch was gone, that I didn't think that he'd see him again, that he was lost; I realized I feel the same way. I feel completely lost. We are in a whole different world. Trying to figure things out, and it's frustrating and upsetting. When I told Wyatt, he didn't scream, and quite honestly he didn't even cry, but the complete sadness in his eyes at his loss made me want to weep.- It seemed at that moment that he knew, like I know, some things you just can't get back.
Look, I know I'm one for the melodramatic, so I won't end the post there.  Without going into a ton of detail, the first couple days were great...we got to see Will, we're going out to eat fa la la la la.......then the rains came (literally) and Will has gone back to work, and I'm learning how to be a stay at home mom. A good one. And it's really really tough. I'm just hoping and praying for some sun tomorrow.


  1. Aw! Hang in there; it *will* get easier.

  2. You should bake and/or eat ice cream. Both make you feel better and I bet if Wyatt has cookies & ice cream for breakfast you will be stay at home mom of the year (at least until his sugar high wears off). Hang in there. miss you guys xoxo

  3. I have to start off by saying your are so couragous to make this move!! Just remember by the time your done you will be able to write a novel and look back and laugh about the puppy one day. Not sure THE WYATT will laugh tho!!! This is a temporary home for you so try and make the best of it!!! Miss you bunches!!!

  4. thanks guys- I know that this is all an adjustment- and I've been eating a lot of baked goods- I'm not supposed to gain weight- I'm supposed to lose it here!!!!

  5. Aly I look forward to your posts! You are such a great writer. You make me laugh, smile, & feel sad.
    Love to you all

  6. I guess we just have to remember that no matter where you are, some days it just rains. Then as a little time goes by, the sun starts to come out and pretty soon the sun is out even when it's raining. Hey, on a real good day there might even be a ranbow.

    I have great confidence in you and I know given a little time life will be good again. We all lose our puppy every now and then... even Dads do.

    Love you all,

    Papa with the puppies

  7. Sorry to hear it's been a rough couple of days. I've been thinking about you often and sending hugs. It's bound to be a tough transition, but if anyone can conquer it, I know the Coopers can. I love you guys! Give Wyatt a big hug for me. xoxo

  8. Never met your dad but he almost made me cry! Praying for you guys Aly...hang in there and I hope you have some sunny days soon!
