Friday, July 12, 2013

Carbs, Hikes and a Whole lotta' Love.

This pic cracks me up. 
So generally I withdraw and retreat to blogger abyss after a family visit. I'm making a conscious decision to rise above situational depression and power through this time. No. I am not self-medicating.
What I discovered from being with the parental units this trip?
*Apparently I rarely use my gluteal muscles. Yowza.
* There is a lot of bread to be eaten in Taiwan, and family visits are my favorite times to consume. When I say consume, I mean inhale.
*I really love carbs.
*The parental units are in really good shape.
*Taiwan is indescribably beautiful, which I rediscover each and every time family and friends come to visit.
So......what did we do? We...*ate carbs, *went to great breakfast/coffee places EVERY morning, *walked everywhere, *went to Sanxia, *Pingxi (where we set off lanterns and hiked), *Chiang Kai Shek Gardens, *Chiang Kai Shek Memorial, *Digital Market, *Yamingshan (to the Stone House restaurant for dinner), *The National Palace,*Taipei 101, *saw Despicable Me 2, *Ilan County (where we hiked on the rocks and saw Turtle Island) and also saw *Fulon beach (going for an abbreviated dip), *Hiked the Tianmou Trail, *Church, *hair washes, *shoulder massages/foot soaks, *local market browsing, *bike rides to Beitou (poor Will suffering a busted out chain in the process) ***Gasping for air.........Yeah. Been there done that Baby. One day we walked 10 miles and it was like 300 degrees out. 300 degrees. That's just how we roll. We barely made a dent during their time here, but a great time was had by all.
We love you MiMi and Dzia-Dzi!!! xoxoxoxo
Fulon Beach
Yilan County rock hopping
Pingxi Lantern Painting
Release of the lantern!
Changing of the Guard at Chiang Kai Shek Memorial 
Yilan County 
Turtle Island
Yilan County
Yilan County 
Chiang Kai Shek Memorial
More "extreme" hiking in Pingxi

Yilan County
Yilan County

So proud of Wyatt and his first major hike while parents were here. He appreciates "extreme" hiking. Ropes are more fun than stairs!

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