Conversational encounters with other adults before 7 pm is generally rare for me, so typically I have unintentional diarrhea of the mouth when the opportunity arises. Just setting the scene....
I'm sitting in the is our usual when Wyatt goes to Math tutoring, and I had just cracked open my book while Alex was potentially going to play. I say potentially, because he hadn't had a nap and we were teetering on the precipice of a meltdown. Another mom and her husband were there with their two toddlers who were about to put on a puppet show. Unfortunately, I had claimed the most comfortable seat which was directly in front of the "puppet theater" and I decided begrudgingly (though with a smile) to offer her my bench so she could see. She said we could share. Awesome..though I figured that meant I'd have to half-heartedly laugh at this kid's show.
We chatted a little and I came to find out she was looking for a Pre-K, so I told her where Alex goes and that he was going 2 days a week, but now it was 4.. blah blah blah...and it's a life saver for everyone. She looked at me with this immense relief, as if she had found a kindred spirit. I mean it wasn't like she was going to tear up but her immediate response was agreement at cherishing the quiet moments and how sick she was of hearing #blessed all the time. I looked at her and said um...well welcome to #real. From that point on we opened up and had a great conversation. Two strangers just having met in the library....united over keeping it real.
Don't get me wrong. I KNOW I'm #blessed. Yup. I do. BUT FOR THE LOVE. I feel like I can't put it out there enough. Please, be real with me. I'll be real with you. Some days it's all I can do to pull myself up and out of bed..that's what Jesus and coffee are for..because it's freaking hard.
Our neighbor just had a baby and I went over there with a loaf of banana bread and a hat over my dirty hair, knocked on her door and said, It'll be OK. Some days really suck though. Will was like, really Aly? That was very neighborly of you. But it's the truth, and she looked at me the way new moms look and said some days are really hard....
Be there for those women. Be present. Be real. Talk to someone who looks lonely or tired or worn down by life. Love on them. Tell that mom (OR DAD!!) in the store with the screaming kid that the day is almost over, or that she can do it..that you've been there and are in her corner. It may be the only source of encouragement she gets that day.
This Week's keeping it real moments....
*Some days I don't shower. But I ALWAYS sniff myself to make sure I'm palatable enough to exit my house.
*When Alex naps in the afternoon it is like a sweet song to my soul.
*When for the 400th time Alex asks for juice I start sipping half empty juice boxes around my house to ensure they haven't fermented and hand him those.
*I have floated eggs before in my fridge to make sure they're not spoiled. Totally a thing. Check it out.
*I have fish that ALSO needs to go in the dumpster, but it is currently in my fridge so it doesn't smell....cause if I trashed it, that would TOTALLY smell....I really need to go to the dumpster today....
*Dishes are my freaking nemesis. eh. who are we kidding. Cleaning is my nemesis.
*I had a fight with my found bag of Rolos today and totally lost.
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