Saturday, June 8, 2013

Just the beginning.

I’m completely uninspired to write anything witty, sarcastic or remotely entertaining. Life has kind of been like that lately, and it has in fact been that way for the past couple months...hence my lack of posts. A bit overwhelming, it feels as if a small ballpein hammer has been slowly and insistently pounding its way into my skull….a dull ache that is unrelenting. I do know however that this season will pass- as all stressful seasons do.  AND.....
Speaking of stressful seasons, let’s segway into…. Did you know that The Wyatt had his last day of kindergarten on Friday? I’ve gotta be honest, that’s not helping the ballpein slamming on my skull to dissipate.  As Will and I were watching the growth progression of Wyatt and his classmates this year on the DVD that his teacher so kindly provided, I got a bit misty. Bah. I’m not above getting misty. I didn’t bawl my eyes out, but as if it wasn’t apparent to me already, he’s not a little boy anymore. He’s grabbing my hand a little less. His attitude is getting a little bigger -with sass to match. He thinks he’s a genius and he’s not afraid to tell you. He’s increasingly sensitive and some days all he does is test, test, test, test…..and I swear he may have some hearing loss in not one, but BOTH of his ears. SO I watch with pride, amusement and chagrin as he "finds" himself and moves with stealth ninja like speed into the first grade. Lord help us all. 
First Day of School
Last Day of School


  1. I can honestly say that I have never written the word "ballpein" in a sentence and you have adroitly managed to work it in not once, but twice in your post. Kudos to you! (And Kudos to me since I have never written the word Kudos before either!) I think we can safely say that The Wyatt is not the only one who has grown a little this year. I think we are all learning thru him. The Journey continues.....
