Saturday, April 2, 2011

Going on 3 months in.....

A few days from now marks THREE months that The Wyatt and I have lived in Taiwan. Shall I enlighten those reading what I have learned in the past couple of months?
*Having lived my "prime" in the 80's I can say without hesitation that I am NOT a fan of Thundercats. Curses Will. Wyatt naturally LOVES Thundercats and requests daily doses of it to get through the day. I write this as a particularly painful episode is playing in the background.
*Living in Taiwan without a bell on your bike would be like signing your own death wish. Want the proverbial waves to part? Ring the bell. Annoyed that someone is in your way? Ring the bell. Car cuts you off in the middle of the road as you're going through the crosswalk? FURIOUSLY ring the bell. Language barrier because I haven't learned how to say excuse me yet? Yup- ring the bell.
* I've learned that, *gasp* I really need to wear "practical" shoes. There is however a fine balance between orthopedic and cute practical shoes however... I'm riding the line. I've tried the heels-it's just not working with my six speed -you know? Yeah, SIX speed.
*Speaking of bikes.....Do you know how much it sucks to ride against the wind on the stinking bike? It makes me feel ridiculously out of shape and well, just ridiculous. For as hard as I'm peddling with the rate of speed to which I'm moving......RIDICULOUS.
*One really can't hit the bread shop every day and not expect there to be a change in their waistline.
*Taiwan is a social worker's dream. A social worker who speaks Mandarin's dream. I'm working on it......leading into.........
*Languages. Learning a new language does not get easier to learn as you get older (just ask Will about the rule of the number 2..) and practice DOES make perfect.
*Wyatt is apparently a Taiwanese phenomenon. I get asked by random people (namely teenage girls) if they can have their pictures taken with Wyatt on a weekly basis. If they don't ask they obviously think I don't see them trying to discreetly hide their cameras as they point it in his direction. Hey, I'm just his agent. If he doesn't want his picture taken, that's his call. Sometimes he's just not in the mood.
* The weather here for the past couple of days has been exceptionally warm hot even. 80's. Please note the picture to your right. Winter coats. 80 degree weather. This does not bode well for me.
Follow up:
* We have branched out and are not going to the McDonald's play land nearly so much now that Wyatt has a burgeoning social life.
* I still REALLY need to work on lightening up.
* I've found a place that has plain cheese pizza.
It's all good.

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