Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yup-Still here.

So if this blog thing were my job, I'd totally be fired right? Yeah well, I feel like it's been a crazy long time since I've written...and that is, because it has been a crazy long time since I've written. WEEKS. Don't be alarmed- it doesn't all of a sudden mean I have a life or anything, though we've been crazy inundated with play dates (gag...I never thought I'd say play dates). ANYWAY. No. Here's the thing. When people are visiting, I really don't write a whole lot...if at all. So here's my thought...once they're gone, perhaps I harbor the illusion that if I don't write they never left?
Who knows but when my dad left, I was not what you would call fully emotionally stable? No it wasn't that bad, but I was of course not on cloud 9. I definitely dropped to cloud 7 or 8.
So yeah, my dad came - let's start there shall we???

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're writing again :) I so enjoy reading your blog and have missed all the whitty stories.
