Monday, February 21, 2011


For the most part it was a pretty non-descript week, just going through the motions. Some weeks are just like that, I mean we can't have fireworks every day. We really wanted to see the lantern lighting, but it's been pouring out. POURING. Did you know that it really does rain cats and dogs here? I mean the sheer amount of random dogs that one sees in any given day is staggering. Now, whether these pups actually have owners, I really can't say. -They just kind of walk around, minding traffic, literally looking both ways before crossing. It's kind of ridiculous. This all being said, let me tell you about Alice. In the spirit of adventure Friday, Alice (unbeknownst to her) WAS our adventure. To clarify, she is a stray dog whisperer and to Wyatt, he could ask for nothing more. We were playing in the park while also searching for CharlietheAndy puppy (refer to Wyatt-isms)whom we had discovered on a previous visit. We came upon an older woman, struck up a conversation and talked about our new furry friend. The woman (whom we later found out was named Alice) told us that CharlietheAndy puppy was just one in a litter of many. Alice works to find homes for the strays that she finds and ensures that her strays are well fed and watered. When she's around, they...well they follow her around like little puppy dogs. Huh. Well that saying makes complete sense now. She told us that she had "relocated"CharlietheAndy and to follow her. Ummmm SURE.  Where else would you follow a random woman down an alleyway well past the park and towards a hospital?! Taiwan. That's where. Wow. I hadn't even known that hospital was there. All I kept thinking was well, I guess being by a hospital is appropriate since this woman may very well chop me up into little pieces. I'm such a responsible mother. In the spirit of adventure..In the spirit of adventure. Clearly she didn't bring any weaponry, hence the titillating recap. We didn't have a CharlietheAndy sighting that afternoon either, but we're still on the hunt.....The rest of the weekend was filled with- MORE rain, an accident and super cool markets. You like how I just snuck that one in there?- We were on the way to the Jade/Flower market and were making a right hand turn, when the guy to our right who we presumed was parked starting moving and well, the rest is visibly documented by looking at the vehicle. Will couldn't have hit a nicer guy. He assured Will that the big show of policemen was just to find an English speaking one, not that they were going to haul him off to jail. Will felt a bit more at ease, though I've been wondering where the jails on this island were since we've gotten here......All went well and Will was again reassured that hitting people/cars here are basically formalities and frequent occurrences, no big deal, everyone's got insurance. Sweet.
We breezed through the markets, though they were incredibly cool and really deserved more time then what we gave them. Wyatt was hell bent on finding a flower for his bathroom, so you know, we had a mission- and we could not become sidetracked from Wyatt's plan. Mission Accomplished.


  1. Sounds like fun-the puppy hunting and shopping parts, not the accident! Love you guys!

  2. The flower is beautiful. The car, not so much. Glad you guys were not hurt in the accident. Love Alice. You are making friends, despite assimilation guy's analysis of you! Continue enjoying the adventures.

  3. One more thing here. I went to the Wyatt-isms to check out the whole puppy thing. February 7 is MY FAVORITE so far!!! Hilarious. Thanks for painting such a vivid picture. Loving it. I feel like I am there with you instead of millions of miles away!
