The adventures failed to cease as we made our way to the Children's Recreation Center( basically anamusement parkfor kids). In case you forgot, it was the three of us and our fellow mass of 420,000. We rode the teacups and Wyatt ran around the kids park collecting friends like bottle caps. It was easy to spot him, as he had quite the eclectic entourage in tow. Ahhh the Wyatt and his inescapable charisma. Yeah- that and his hazel eyes, but who am I to quibble over details? He had a great time, running, sliding down the massive concrete slide and then protesting when it was time to go. Normal run of the mill stuff. The rest of the weekend brought forth my "bike for 2" and Wyatt'sfirst trip to the beach. I'll tell you, he has no idea that for his first beach trip he just happened to visit one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. He loved every nano-second of it, which, with Wyatt you have to understand it's all or nothing. Thankfully he chose all and ran completely uninhibited into the waves. It was one of those misty parental moments for sure- the kind where you can see your kid completely "bliss out" and in the moment, it's, well it's just awesome.The day itself was beautiful- Low 70's, clear, warm, bright. The drive was spectacular as well- the mountains- all the views actually, were just breathtaking. The three overly white Americans on the beach were the crazy ones in the water as those native to Taiwan strolled the beaches, buttoned up in their parkas. It was a perfect day. The drive along the coast was surprisingly very similar to the shore, or your standard run of the mill beach community. You know, the kind without fist pumping and tattoo piercing parlors. Even the lack of these fine establishments didn't dampen my spirits. The pictures really don't do it any justice. Once I get a handle on the bus routes Wyatt and I could conceivably spend a great deal of time at this beach. Awesome. I use this word a lot, I know, but it's completely warranted. The bike. Yeah. The picture pretty much speaks for itself. Biking seemed like a pretty smart way to get around-and a bit more expedient way to travel (though I questioned this upon my first incline.) The bike is wickedly cool. It's got a seat, handlebars and pegs for Wyatt. As a woman from Wyatt's school told me today- your bike is very Taiwanese. Well CHYA.- Of course. When Wyatt and I both got on the bike he could not stop giggling- too cute. Really, when it comes down to it, is there any better bonding than a mother and son uh, biking together? Yeah, well, I'll keep you posted on all that.
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