Sunday, April 6, 2014

Holy Hiatus

So I haven't written since August. AUGUST. That's incredibly negligent on this blogger's part. That's like Wyatt's entire first grade year. For those who actually read this blog I'm so very sorry. Admittedly I've been just kind of burnt out on writing. Dry. Witty-less. If I'm going to write with both of those descriptors in tow....well, I'd rather write nothing at all.

Let me try to get everyone up to speed.  I decided to toss my hat into the PTA ring this year. I know. Just....I know. It seems very un-Aly like, but I like to keep everyone on their toes. I've been doing quite a bit of editing and writing within this role, in addition to my monthly coffee article and occasional writing and weekly volunteering for Garden of Hope. I've been hiking, biking, eating, and exploring. I've been attending to Wyatt's burgeoning schedule and attending to his after school academic issues as he's soaking in new challenging material. READ: daily battles with homework.
Wyatt? More attitude, big personality, active social life. A character or a card as some may call him. He's funny, sarcastic, dramatic, at times easily defeated but ironically has an inspiring  inner self-confidence. He's comfortable around adults and no one is a stranger. He gives me a run for my money. Always. Soccer, Karate, Swimming, Piano and play dates with tutoring and OT thrown in for extra spice are just the daily norm. I look at this picture weekly to remind myself of his sweetness and that he does in fact love me.

Will and I have been going out on weekly date nights keeping the spark alive, spending time with great friends, eating amazing food. Good times, good times.
Over the past few months during my writing hiatus, I've been reminded about how precious life is, having acquired a renewed appreciation and love for my parents and just an overall thankfulness for this life I'm currently living. I've got a great husband, an exemplary kid and a family of origin that isn't a dysfunctional freak show. They are in fact, incredibly awesome. I really love my life. Let me just cheese it out. I'm a lucky girl.

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