Friday, April 18, 2014

A very tiny plate


 noun \ˈprä-ˌses, ˈprō-, -səs\: a series of actions that produce something or that lead to a particular result.
Thank you Merriam.
Our family is at a place right now where we find ourselves having been given dessert plates for a Thanksgiving dinner. There's just a lot. A lot on our small little plates. A lot to process. Everything of course is out of my control, and so I am trusting God and having faith in the process. I mean, that's my goal. It's all a big test that I feel like I am failing. I am not clairvoyant. I do not know if everything will turn out the way I expect. I liken it almost to that of a pointillism painting. When standing too close, remaining too focused on the minuscule details, you lose sight of the full picture. I am staring so hard at a few of those dots, I am becoming cross-eyed with doubt and anxiety.

BUT- you back up a little, and all of those little dots end up coming together to form the big picture. So what is frustrating now, in the end all works out to form something beautiful. It was all in the plan.... All a part of the long process in getting there. 

I am desperately trying to keep that in mind over the next few months. 
One of those "items" on our very small plate is that we are moving to Hiroshima, Japan in June. Surprise! This is an incredible opportunity and I am so very thankful for my husband's skills and talent that are leading us on this journey around the world. It has been a wild ride thus far for sure- but it is definitely bittersweet. We have built an incredible life here in Taiwan; memorable experience filled with adventure and deep and meaningful friendships. Hiroshima however is a brand new start- terrifying, exciting....I'm still processing it all and when I do, I'll be sure to let you all know, one little point at a time. I can feel your enthusiasm from here. 
More to come.................................

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