Sunday, September 11, 2011

Bad Case of Déjà vu

We had a great day-the beginning of a long, glorious, Moon Festival weekend. With a superfluous amount of family time on our hands we decided to check out the local sites. A short MRT ride away stands Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall which is flanked by the National Theater and National Concert Hall. Being that Wyatt fell asleep on the MRT ride, Will climbed the Memorial steps solo, though took a fantastic Lincoln-esque (Chiang Kai-Shek) pic from the top. Wyatt woke up, was pacified by some M&M's and ran through the fountain. All was well with the world, only getting better with a yummy meal at a burger/salad place called Forkers and  a sweet treat at Coldstone to wrap it all up. Could it get any better? I mean really!?
Oh, and the answer is no, no it really couldn't.
Why? Well, upon our return back to the SOGO where our bikes were parked and LOCKED up, Will's wasn't there. We looked. We searched. Are we stupid? Do we not see it? At this point Wyatt is becoming frantic (being as his new cup holder had just been installed hours earlier), I'm getting pissed and Will is completely calm. Too calm. The bike had been stolen. Three down. Unbelievable. I have a string of other things I would like to insert at this point, but again, I make it a point to make this blog as child friendly as possible. We go inside to the smashingly dressed information desk girls (I've been trying to nonchalantly take a picture of them since we've gotten here....still trying) and then work our way over to the police station, as is the protocol. *Sigh* Will is telling me to watch myself, as Wyatt is observing every itty bitty reaction of the both of us since the incident began. I mean, he's been through this before and for some reason, I feel as if he's watching me closer this time. Is this a test??????
Oh, and the answer to that one is Yes. As I'm learning, life with a child is always a test. Have I mentioned I'm not a quick learner? Anyway, we enter the police station, attempt a feeble explanation that there was a theft and wait for someone who can understand us. This occurs a bit later and we traipse back over to SOGO where the "incident" occurred. After some expert miming we walk back to the police station. Our officer is in plain clothes and I see Wyatt trying to run up beside him with 'The Wyatt' swagger. Here we go......Will and I can both see that Wyatt is trying to check out the guy's belt for a holster with a weapon of any kind. He ends up disappointed and instead begins telling the guy about his stolen cup holder. As I'm trying to reign my anger in about the theft and Will is apparently trying to not let any of his out; we are both trying to use this as another teaching moment. I am, however, struggling. Wyatt is discussing the specifics of what superhero he can become in order to go into this person's garage and get his bike back. I am trying to tell him that we don't take matters into our own hands, that this is why we have gotten law enforcement involved. We cannot become vigilantes!!!! The timing was also perfect as we have been discussing God's Rules (10 commandments) within our devotionals this past week. I asked Wyatt what one of the rules were. He stated Don't Steal. Yuppers. Will asked for a second one and Wyatt said, Don't Kill. I swear, it's as if this kid is in my head.
We get to the police station and after another long wait, the officers say, what do you want us to do..what do you want to happen? Not that I blame them, because Will and I both know there is nothing they can do. HOWEVER, I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs; It just isn't right!!!! #$*%&! It needs to be reported because people can't steal other people's things and get away with it dammit! (That felt better. My apologies kiddies). The officers really did try though. We even got to see the tape of the guy jacking our bike. Who are we looking for? Asian male, early twenties medium to average build. Uh, sure. The video that we watched no less than 5 times incited me to a slow boiling rage. This guy, who's face was unfortunately blurred, walked over with such confidence and unlocked Will's bike with a "bump"(is that the right lingo?) key. Then rode away. Jerk.
SO......I'm a work in progress and thus far Wyatt has not armored up...despite his grandiose plans to "sneak out" with Will in the middle of the night to uh, check things out. Fortunately for all of Taiwan he failed to set his alarm.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo when you were at the Po Po Station, you weren't talking to the officer in your picture above were you? You realize that was a plastic Po Po...right? I was just wondering..
