Thursday, June 1, 2017

Crystal Bliss

“Crystal is the first truly expensive gift in the traditional anniversary list.  The costliness of crystal is representative of the sacrifice and investment the couple has made to the marriage over the past fifteen years.  Crystal also symbolizes clarity and transparency, reflecting the state of the couple's relationship.  They now know each other better than they know themselves.”

This becomes even more interesting to me when you take a look at the differing types of crystals. 

Covalent crystals are crystals whose atoms are connected with covalent bonds. Covalent bonds exist where the atoms share electrons. These bonds are extremely strong and very hard to break. Because of this, the crystals themselves are also very strong and have high melting points. Imagine gluing together beads with super glue. The super glue is the covalent bond. Now think of trying to glue beads together with a glue stick. They probably wouldn't hold together very well. The glue stick is analogous to another type of crystal we will talk about later. An example of a covalent crystal is a diamond, which is one of the hardest substances known to man.

Metallic Crystals:
Individual metal atoms sit on lattice sites while the outer electrons from these atoms are able to flow freely around the lattice. Metallic crystals normally have high melting points and densities.These crystals sparkle with the lustrous sheen we think of metals having. They are extremely good conductors of heat and electricity.

Ionic Crystals:
This is a crystal where the individual atoms don't have covalent bonds between them, but are held together by electrostatic forces. An example of this type of crystal is sodium chloride (NaCl). Ionic crystals are hard and have relatively high melting points.I

Molecular Crystals:
This is a crystal where there are recognizable molecules in the structure and the crystal is held together by non-covalent interactions like van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding. An example of this type of crystal would be sugar. Molecular crystals tend to be soft and have lower melting points. Molecular crystals are crystals formed from weak bonds called hydrogen bonds. these bonds are very weak,,,, 

See what I mean? Not all crystals are created equal. Some have strong bonds, others weak. Another is held together by an electrostatic force while the other is sweet to the taste but can’t take the heat.  The same comparisons could be said of couples…
One would hope by the time you get to your fifteenth year with your spouse, your beloved, your chosen one, that there is more clarity, transparency… that you know them better than any other. 

Me? I chose a winner. I love this covalent bond I share with my spouse. Each year we have been together has been filled with new and deeper adventures, complications, stressors, intimacy, and knowledge that I had ever thought possible. Across the span of the past fifteen years we have developed a very strong, hard to break bond. He is my champion- my biggest fan, my rock. Will is a practical minded man of deep rooted faith and integrity. He is gentle, loving, sensitive and an amazing father. 

Marriage can be so hard. There are peaks and valleys. You are walking through the feast, famine, desert, and lush pastures with this person you chose to do life with. Seasons fly by quickly as do the little moments. I have learned to watch my tongue, be more thoughtful…try to be more sensitive..more of what my man deserves. HE deserves the very best- I can scarcely find the words to express how much I appreciate and love him.  He is my greatest treasure here on earth.  Happy Fifteenth Babe. 


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